Lesson 3: The SIGNIFICANCE of Meekness I Text: Galatians 5:22-24; Matthew 11:29-30
Title: "The Vision and the Two Baskets of Figs" I Text: Jeremiah 24:1-10
Sunday School: The Fruit of Meekness - Lesson 2: The SERVICE of Meekness I Galatians 5:22-24; Isaiah 29:19
Title: “The Family Who Will Keep the Way of the Lord” Text: Genesis 18:1-19 Speaker: Ptr. Omar Embido Monte
Title: "Believe And Be Not Deceived"
Text: Genesis 3:1-3
Speaker: Pr. JAP Hernan
FRUIT GROWS where the STREAM FLOWS Chapter 10: "The Fruit of Meekness"
Lesson 1: Introduction and The Source of Meekness Text: Galatians 5:22-24 Speaker: Ptr. Omar Embido Monte
Title: "The Deliverer Who Got Dis/Connected"
Text: Judges 13:1-5; 24
Speaker: Pr. JAP Hernan
Title: "The Prevailing Faith of the Few"
Text: Numbers 13:25-30; 14:8
Speaker: Rev. Omar Embido Monte
Title: "Deceptions and Truths"
Text: John 8:32
Speaker: Msnry. Geoffrey Solano
Sunday School: "The Priority of Discipleship"
Speaker: Msnry. Geoffrey Solano
Text: Luke 15: 4-6; Matthew 28:18-20